New Life Debt Advisers functions as an advising intermediary and assists its clients with the various applications and procedures.
New Life Debt Advisers specialize in a process called Voluntary Surrender of Estate.
In the South African constituting under the insolvency ACT 24 OF 1936 it makes provision for any individual that becomes over in-debt to approach the high court to write off its debts. Banks and credit institutions will never inform you about this process but will- keep you in debt for as long as possible because debt is their core business.
With over 18 years of experience and thousands of clients successfully assisted you can be assured if it is in any way possible to write off your debts we are the people to talk to. This is not just a business it is our passion to get our clients debt free.
Becoming debt free is as easy as contacting us.
Very few people even know that Voluntary Surrender of Estate exists let alone how it works, how you can benefit from it and how to apply for it. New Life recognized the situation in the market and now offer the service to inform over indebted clients about the correct solution to solve their financial situations once and for all.
The core business focus of New Life is that of advising clients about available solutions to alleviate their over in debt situations.
New Life functions as an advising intermediary and assists its clients with the various applications and procedures.
New Life makes use of a panel of attorneys and advocates, representing their clients nationwide.
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